Spring is here which means the sun is getting a little warmer, the magpies are swooping and hay fever is about to wreak havoc on us again.
Spring is also the time when Prep orientation sessions begin around the country as the class of 2020 is welcomed into school communities everywhere.
Of course, here at Smart Stuff we think that the most important thing is to make sure your child has their art smock and library bag ready to go, but there is lots of other stuff too.
Depending on where you live in Australia, this first year of school can be called Prep, PrePrimary, Foundation, Kindy or Reception. Regardless of what it is called this is the start of your child's formal schooling and is the beginning of your relationship with a school community. Schools go to an enormous effort to make sure that the transition is a smooth one for everyone and that the relationship is strong and positive Some schools have an evening session so everyone can come along, while others have morning groups so children can explore this new environment, while parent can also meet. Many do a mixture of both.
We get to go along to lots of these sessions, particularly in our local area and we see lots of excited children, and parents too, as they discover new friends, new playgrounds, new teachers, new classrooms ....
Schools have loads of info about preparing your child for the routine of school and developing their independence as well as loads of info about what to expect in those first few weeks. Information about 'out of school care' as well as health and learning issues is always available too. They will also let you know of opportunities for you to get involved in your child's school.
Whether it is your first or your last child heading off next year, get along to your school's transition program and have a great 2020
PS. Don't forget that art smock.